
Through this project and module, I learnt how to better appreciate Statistics and had a deeper understanding of it. From the decision making of our research topic to the actual collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation and organization of data - everything was meaningful to me. It's pretty amazing to see how a single programme, SPSS, can transform the different kinds of data we collected into useful information that we can benefit from. I'm glad that now I have something (my knowledge + SPSS) I can utilize in the future which I'm hoping will be able to benefit the nation and ultimately, the world. Thank you so much, Ms Chia! (:

After going through this module, I find that when I add up all the mundane figures together, I will get a very useful bunch of information that is important for finding the differences/ relationships. Statistic is very relevant and important to our daily life, that most big companies/ corporations generate their own statistic in predicting trends and making decisions. There is also even a Singapore Department of statistics which further emphasis the importance of statistic in singapore.
This module also allow me to conduct my first research, allowing me to have a small taste of being a researcher. Some difficulties will pop up unknowingly and suddenly. As we went into the research, we found out that conducting the optimal test is almost impossible. I always enjoy reading other people’s research statistics but this give me a feel of what the researchers went through. This is a fun module which i enjoyed taking it!

Rong Hui:
Before this semester started, I was apprehensive about this module. During my JC period, I could neither understand nor appreciate the beauty of statistics, and how it can help us in our research study. But after going through this module, I realised that with the aid of the SPSS program, all the data collected from surveys or experiments can give us a lot of insights about the data. Through this project, my understanding of statistics has increased tremendously; Now, I am able to apply the knowledge and skills learnt in my research project. Sad to say, I used to take statistics figures for granted, thinking it was very easy to obtain, but in fact its tougher than what I thought. The researcher had to go through lots of stages just to obtain a reliable statistical results. With this module, now I am able to appreciate and understand statistics more.

Rui Ling:
Initially when I saw Statistics module on my timetable, I was actually quite elated because I thoroughly loved statistics during my JC days, especially punching in the figures on my G.C.  However, how Statistics was taught in JC days was so much different (mostly calculations) to what I'm learning in this module that I did feel caught off guard and lost initially!  But as I was introduced more to SPSS and I started understanding how it worked and how to use it, this module slowly became an eye opener for me.  I found that it was actually not as bad as I thought and not only did it remind me somewhat of my JC Statistics days, which i absolutely enjoyed, now I also get to use a more high tech software!  Besides, I learnt that Statistics isn't just about inputing figures and testing hypotheses, but just like how I used it for this project, I can actually apply math like graphs, stem and leaf plot into my job as a healthcare professional, which is such an amazing amalgamation that has honestly never came across my mind before.

Yu Xun:
“Stats? EWWWWW!” This was exactly what I thought whenever someone told me about statistics. I’ve always thought that statistics was all about numbers, calculations, math and things that I could never comprehend in my mind. Even when in JC, after a year of studying statistics in the A math syllabus, I still never fully understood what I was doing as I only memorised the formulas and steps that I required to answer the different questions. Just when I thought I was rid of math and numbers after joining the physiotherapy course, statistics appeared in my module, AGAIN. I thought this was the start of my nightmare once more. However, surprisingly, as I attended more lectures, I started to realise the importance and relation between statistics and I. Previously, I always thought that statistic was all about numbers and calculation. But as Ms Chia went through her lectures, I realised it was more than that. Statistic involved the collection and analysing of the data collected as well! Through the comprehensive and detailed teaching of Ms Chia, I started to understand more about what all the calculations meant. From the simple bar charts to the symmetrical curves to finding the skewdness of the curves, I found each and every one of them more interesting and applicable to me. What’s more, with the help of the SPSS program, I was rid of all the mental calculations and formulas that I had to memorise. From this project, I really learnt a lot and enjoyed myself thoroughly. My mindset towards statistics has totally changed. Thank You Ms Chia and I LOVE STATISTICS! =)

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