
Have you ever been told off for walking too slow due to your short legs? Or always being deemed as the slower runner for jogging events before actually even competing, just because you are shorter? 

If so, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! WE understand your pain as we have been told this countless times. Due to this reason (and for all people who are deemed “short” or has “short legs”), we decided to embark on this research journey to find out and if possible, break this stereotype that people with short legs are slower than those with longer legs.

So the question is, does the average leg length of young adults affect their walking speed?

“Longer legs can help people walk faster, but shorter legs are not an excuse for slow walking speed... In fact, short legs can be an advantage… There are two primary factors in walking speed -- step rate and stride length. People with short legs can increase their step rate more easily than people with long legs”

– Jay Schwartz  quoting from “The Complete Guide to Walking for Health, Weight Loss, and Fitness” author Mark Fenton

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